Day 5

The act of giving items away has had an effect on our desire to purchase new stuff.  We don’t really want to give five items today and then go to the Mall and bring back something.  So we have been really asking ourselves do we need this?  Will this bring value to our lives?  When we ask those questions we have a hard time justifying alot of what we have purchased in the past.  You really need very little to be happy.  Material goods just don’t measure up very well as sources of happiness.  This challenge has been a daily reminder of this.

Ophelia’s items: An artists case filled with printing press materials (which I was gifted, just weeks ago), a poetry book (from a cool local Seattle artist), a book on Reiki (there are better ones), a new dog toy & a picture frame.

Chris’ items:  5 well-read books, that he can read again on kindle 🙂

day5All items were donated to Goodwill with the exception of the Arts supplies
which were gifted back to BUY NOTHING PROJECT for another neighbor to use.

Day 3

Chris is donating a black Champion shirt and two books: Life & Leisure In Ancient Rome & Wherever You Go, There You Are.

Ophelia is letting go of a much-loved teepee (that’s her and our daughter in the picture), a glass vase and a pair of her favorite jeans.

Thoughts: I purchased this teepee for super cheap, but it’s originally from Pike’s Place Market, which I mention only because I love a good second-hand find, when I know the original price is so much more!
My daughter and her friends love this teepee, but to be honest, it drives me insane. It’s adorable, but it has no base (no treble…), which means that it falls to the ground every time someone bumps it too hard. Knowing all this, I still second guess selling it.
Here’s a sneak peek into my obsessive brain:
What if I want to use it again?! (It’s been in my closet for 4 months, untouched)
What if I can’t find another one and have to pay full price?! (Your child is obsessed with Ariel not Pocahontas, you’ll be okay.)
What if we want to camp out in the living room one day? (You have another tent downstairs…wait, what?!)

Attachment: It’s becoming apparent….the tent must go.


Teepee: Sold to local parent for $15
All other items: donated to Goodwill

Shedding 30 Days

The de Serres family is playing the game.  The minimalism game.  Starting today.  31 days in January.  Day 1 we get rid of one thing.  Day 2, two things.  A total of 496 things to rid by the end of January.

On day 1 I am shedding a well-regarded Winston Churchill biography.  Ophelia is tossing her prized, but hardly worn, high heels.

picstitch(6)Shoes donated to The Buy Nothing Project
Book donated to Goodwill